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Career Articles:
Welcome to Surpass Your Dreams. The goal of the weekly tips is to help you recognize your potential and surpass your dreams. Included are tips for either transitioning into a career you love, excelling in the career you have now, or loving what you do for a living everyday.
What do you naturally do that you take for granted? What do you enjoy? What are you good at? Everyone has special talents whether it's working with numbers, writing, designing, or working with your hands. As long as you incorporate these talents into your career, you will be satisfied. Otherwise, something will always be missing.
Look Ahead
Are you focused on the past or the potential your future holds? Many people can't let go of something that happened a long time ago. Maybe it was a conversation you had, or didn't have. Maybe it was a project you should have taken, or let pass by. Maybe it was something you said on an interview, or didn't say. Everyone has "something" in their career that they wish has not occurred. So, know that you are not alone. It's not what happened that matters most now, but what you do going forward.
Talent Sketch
You can find the most promissing job on Wish you happy job search.
How did you get to where you are in your career? Was it a haphazard, disconnected journey, or by a detailed plan that you have followed step-by-step? Or, maybe something in between? No matter how you got to where you are today, you have followed a path whether you have chosen it or not. Are you happy with your present situation? If yes, good for you. If not, what needs to be changed? You have more control over the direction of your career than you think. And, you can alter the course of your career no matter where you are, what you are doing, or how many bills you have to pay. Once you decide that you want your path to be different, and you choose to do something about it, you can begin taking steps in that direction.
Are you going through the motions or truly enjoying your career? Maybe you've arrived at a place in your career that you like and are grateful for. Or, maybe you're at a point of no return. Ether way, standing still will keep you still, and not getting to a place that could be even better.
What have you been telling yourself lately? Internal words like: "I can't." "I don't have what it takes." "It's too hard." These thoughts can roll around in your brain and destroy momentum. If you are trying to reach a goal and not getting anywhere, maybe it's because of what you are saying to yourself.