WEDDLE's Postcards From Space ( Peter D. Weddle)

This unique guide provides a complete introduction to Best Practices in online recruitment and HR management. Based on WEDDLE's 7+ years of research with recruiters, job seekers and recruitment Web-sites, it presents an innovative toolkit of proven, powerful techniques for Internet-based sourcing, recruiting and Human Resource Management.
10 Minute Guide to Performance Appraisals ( Dale Furtwengler)

As a new manager, how do you construct a performance review that will give your employees balanced, encouraging feedback, yet provide them with the critiquing they may need? This book answers that question. It explains the importance of employee appraisals to your staff's future performance, and details what you need to do before evaluation time comes around. You can learn how to write the review, how to handle the face-to-face part of the review, and how to deal with the aftermath of a bad review. It also gives ideas for establishing goals and priorities that employees can work toward, and suggests tools for helping them improve on their weaknesses and run with their strengths.
101 Hiring Mistakes Employers Make (Richard Fein)

Everyone makes mistakes. Some learn from their mistakes while others seem destined to repeat their errors. As HR professionals quickly discover, you must hire well if you are to effectively compete in today's talent driven economy.
Hiring mistakes are not only costly, they are simply bad decisions for everyone involved, including your most productive personnel. Ask the wrong questions, conduct superficial background checks, and make quick decisions and you may weaken your organization. Hire right and you'll build a strong, competitive, and energetic organization for years to come.
101 Recognition Secrets ( Rosalind Jeffries)

Updated and Expanded 2nd Edition-The little book that revolutionized recognition in the workplace is now even better! The only pocket-sized book on recognition, this gem is filled with original insight, practical tools and more than 100 no-cost and low-cost ideas for letting your employees know you value them. It even gives you tips on collecting your own secrets from your employees. No manager should be without this book.
101 Toughest Interview Questions (Daniel Porot)

Acclaimed by What Color is Your Parachute author Richard Bolles as a real career expert (and he should know!), Daniel Porot has written more than a dozen best-selling career books in France. Now, he brings his international perspective and job-hunting expertise to bear on one of the hardest topics for job hunters, the dreaded job interview. This book addresses 101 of the toughest questions nervous interviewees may have to face and arms them with the can?t-miss, sure-hire answers interviewers want to hear. The simple innovative flash-card design helps anyone learn how to avoid trick questions, make a great impression, and win that coveted job. Preparing for an interview?even a really tough one?was never so easy.
267 Hire Tough Proven Interview Questions ( Mel Kleiman)

Over 70% of the U.S. workforce is comprised of frontline, hourly workers, yet scant attention is paid to the best ways to interview and select for these positions. This one-of-a-kind book, written by an hourly employee recruiting, selection, and retention expert, will prove an invaluable tool to overworked managers and supervisors who have to interview on the fly.
The questions zero-in on the capacities and attitudes it takes to be successful in a frontline position. Step-by step pointers on how to plan and structure interviews ensure hiring personnel know how to position applicant to tell the truth. The results are better hiring decisions and lower hourly employee turnover.
45 Effective Ways for Hiring Smart ( Pierre Mornell, PhD)

In today's fiercely competitive workplace, people are any organization's most valuable asset. Whether you are a small business, not-for-profit, or Fortune 500 company, your success depends upon hiring the right person the first time, every time. Why is hiring the right person so important? Because a mistake can be incredibly expensive - not to mention the wasted time and energy, and the emotional toll that hiring the wrong person can exact.
Written by one of the world's leading experts on evaluating and selecting key people, Hiring Smart goes beyond conventional approaches to the subject. Dr. Pierre Mornell's groundbreaking work presents 45 strategies designed to take measure of a candidate, emphasising behavior, not words.
All the stages of the hiring process are covered, from pre-interview screening to interviewing to checking references and backgrounds. Taken together, the strategies form the basis of a selection system that is easy to adapt, efficient, and, most importantly, effective.
450 Low-Cost / No-Cost Strategies for Recognizing, Rewarding and Retaining Good People (Vol. II) (Carol A. Hacker)

This book is a sequel to its popular predecessor. It?s jam-packed with 450 additional low-cost/no-cost ideas for recognizing, rewarding and retaining good people. Why spend your valuable time trying to invent ways to recognize and reward your employees? This book has done it for you and you don?t have to bankrupt your budget. In fact, many of the ideas won?t cost you a dime! If you?re looking for a cost-effective resource that can help you with recognizing, rewarding and retaining your employees, you?ve found it!
96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire ( Paul Falcone)

To help interviewers assess a job candidate, this book provides interview questions and tips on how to interpret the answers. Readers learn how to elicit truthful responses, watch for indicators of sub-par performance, get meaningful information from references, and hire the best person for the job and the company.
Presented in a handy question-and-answer format, this book supplies 96 probing interview questions, plus helpful tips on interpreting the responses. With questions covering 17 topics and applications to every kind of job opening, the book serves as both a ready reference for managers and a refresher course for seasoned human resources professionals.
99 Ways to Keep Employees Happy, Satisfied, Motivated, and Productive ( Peter Garber)

Have good people? If you do, you'd better spend some time and effort on keeping them. This new guide offers 99 proven suggestions to help you do that. Communicating more effectively; small things that employees really appreciate; rewards that don't cost a lot, but mean a lot; how to honor family-work-balance issues and still stay productive. It only takes a couple of good ideas?and these are all low or no cost, so any manager can implement them.
Age Power ( Ken Dychtwald)

n the past, few people had a chance to "age." Throughout 99 percent of human history, the average life expectancy was less than eighteen years. Today, however, we are witnessing an unprecedented generational shift. In America, the largest generation in history--the baby boomers--is fast approaching its senior years, in which the elderly will routinely live well beyond their eighties and nineties.
Alternative Staffing Survey ( SHRM Foundation, SHRM Survey Program)

With funding from the SHRM Foundation, this survey was released in January 1999. It examines the topic of alternative workers in detail, covering issues such as why organizations use alternative workers, whether these workers are contingent by choice, hiring alternative workers to fill regular positions, and providing perks to alternative workers. The report also includes an appendix of related materials. Released in January 1999.
Ask the Right Questions Hire the Best People ( Ron Fry)

Ron Fry, bestselling author of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions takes you step-by-step through the hiring process. Whether you?re replacing an employee who?s leaving, or creating a new position in your organization, Ron Fry shows you how to write a position description that really work and how to translate that description into a realistic set of search criteria.
Bench Strength ( Robert W. Barner)

The key to sustained competitive advantage in any industry is not size, image, or technology. It?s talent, particularly at the leadership level. Your organization?s future depends on its ability to identify, retain, and prepare a dependable ?bench??its next generation of leaders?continuously. Over the next several years, the ?baby boomers? who have engineered some of America?s greatest business growth will be retiring in huge numbers, creating talent gaps and unprecedented competition to fill them.
Best 100 Web Sites for HR Professionals ( John McCarter, Ray Schreyer)

The Internet is a vast smorgasbord of information for human resource professionals. However, many become overwhelmed with so many web sites proclaiming to be the best. Here's a book that cuts through the hype and provides assistance in locating some of the best online resources.
The HR field runs at a hectic pace, and often clear, precise, and up-to-date answers are needed on a moment's notice. Professionals must be able to quickly find the most accurate data available online, without getting lost in the abyss of materials available. They need to know where to find different recruiting services, legal information, tips on salary administration, and more.
Bottom Line on Integrity ( Quinn McKay)

Long-time motivational speaker and corporate consultant Quinn McKay, has distilled his lifetime investigation of business integrity into a single volume. McKay offers business people twelve keys to both help them recognize situations where they must protect their integrity, and also solve the dilemma many of us encounter when our personal ethics and business ethics conflict. McKay?s conversational style makes this a thorough, thought-provoking read.
Brains! ( N/A)

rain! excites, entertains and engages your group as you learn. Just as emotional intelligence is an important part of everday life, it's presents in the movies, television and historical figures we've all come to know. Viewers discover practical strategies for building EQ that come to life right before their eyes.
CareerXRoads ( Gerry Crispin, SPHR, Mark Mehler)

This guide includes detailed reviews of 500 Websites for finding jobs an resumes that are cross-indexed by profession, geography, industry, and more; guidelines for job seekers to network online, prepare resumes for scanning, and find shortcuts to thousands of employers; and guidelines for recruiters/hiring managers to attract more qualified candidates faster and at less cost than ever before.
Catch! ( Cyndi Crother)

The Pike Place fishmongers are almost as famous as the market they work at, lovingly profiled in the media and treasured by those who watch them go about their work each day with style and smiles. In Catch!, Cyndi Crother tells their story; or rather, lets them tell it, in this unusual combination of oral biography and business blueprint. Using the fishmongers? examples, letting them explain their work lives and their personal lives, the book explores the issues of goals; both financial and humanitarian; and intention, showing how the crew itself creates these goals in collaboration with management to everyone?s satisfaction.
Common Sense Supervision ( Roger Fulton)

Common Sense Supervision is a practical manual for people who are new or experienced in supervisory positions. Written in a clear non-nonsense style, the book outlines the responsibilities of a supervisor and shows how to make the workday work.