Hiring and Keeping the Best People ( Harvard Business School Press)

In today's ever changing business environment, hiring an all-star workforce and keeping it in place is a challenge for any organization. With an overview on topics such as recruiting the right people, cultivating the right culture, avoiding employee burnout, and calculating employee turnover, this book offers managers a clear understanding of how to hire more effectively and increase retention. Packed with hands-on tips and tools, this helpful guide provides actionable and practical advice for managers and human resource professionals alike.
Hiring Great People ( Kevin C. Klinvex, Christopher P. Klinvex, Matthew S. O Connell)

Today's low unemployment, plus an ever-growing demand for workers with proven technical skills, means your company's long-term success rests on its ability to find the best employees in an ever-shrinking talent pool. Hiring Great People removes the guesswork from your hiring process, giving you solid, no-nonsense tools and processes to identify and attract your industry's highest performing employees.
Hiring Source Book ( Catherine D. Fyock)

"The only one-stop shopping hiring book available - great best-practice ideas, excellent sample forms, and a CD-ROM to customize forms and materials. With this book you'll be ready for the upcoming labor shortage." --Sharon K. Koss, SPHR, CCP, president, Koss Management Consulting
Hiring the Best 5th edition ( Martin Yates)

Employees are your company's number one asset. Hiring the Best offers managers and HR personnel a proven and practical approach to recruiting and selecting the right people for the job. With over 400 questions you can use to interview candidates and obtain the most pertinent information, you'll be armed with the tools you need to insure that you are indeed Hiring the Best.
Hiring Top Performers (Carol A. Hacker)

Poor hiring decisions are costing businesses around the world millions of dollars every year! Much of the problem is due to ignorance. Some of it is laziness. Most of it is preventable. This booklet provides 350 questions based on job descriptions and needs analysis. And these interview questions to create a team of "Top Performers" for you and your company. Use the book's helpful appendix of recommended books on a vast number of hiring subjects to clarify the hiring process.
Millennium Membership ( Mark Levin)

In this insightful book, Mark Levin provides a step-by-step guide on how to adapt to the ever-changing marketplace, and how to make change work for you. Topics include moving from mass marketing to mass customization, branding, and investing in technology to attract and keep members. The final chapter contains fifty ideas and activities to retain members in the millennium marketplace.
How to Choose the Right Person for the Right Job Every Time ( Louise Kursmark, Lori Davila)

Traditional interview techniques are notoriously inadequate when it comes to providing a picture of how a candidate will actually perform on the job. Recently, an interview style proven to more accurately identify the cream of the crop has been making headlines. It's called behavioral interviewing, and it involves getting candidates to truthfully describe how they responded to past job situations to indicate how well they will handle tasks required in their new position.
How to Hire and Develop Your Next Top Performer ( Patrick Sweeney, Harold Greenberg, Harold Weinstein)

For four decades, Caliper Consulting has helped more than23,000 companies worldwide select, develop, and manage people. The Caliper Profile has proved more than 90 percent accurate in determining top performers.
How to Hire the Best Person Every Time (Video) (N/A)

Join Ron Meiss as he shows you the techniques used by hundreds of managers for finding and hiring the most skilled and qualified people, always!
The Performance Interviewing System, as shown through the dramatic scenarios in this video, provides easy-to-follow guidance for preparing questions, analyzing responses, and selecting the best candidate whose job performance won't let you down. Plus, Ron answers questions about the interviewing process that managers fear most and offers his suggestions for handling awkward situations.
How to Write an Affirmative Action Plan ( Business and Legal Reports)

This step-by-step guide to preparing affirmative action plans for minorities, women, veterans and people with disabilities helps you decide what your affirmative action responsibilities are and leads you through the steps needed to develop a valid plan.
HR How-to Set ( Maynard, Cooper & Gale., P.C.)

he includes one copy of each title:
HR How-To: Employee Retention covers how to measure and interpret your turnover rate; how to reward top performance and How to retain a diverse workforce
HR How-To: Wage-Hour covers how to avoid misclassification of employees; how to properly compensate employees; how to avoid child labor violations; and how to perform a job analysis.
HR How-To:Work-Life Benefits covers how to choose what to offer; how to implement your program; how to involve your employees; and how to avoid the pitfalls
HR How-To: Employee Retention (N/A)

HR How-To: Employee Retention is one of the titles in the new CCH? HR How-To Series, which presents the key information you need to know concerning key human resource issues. Delivered in a matter-of-fact, "conversational" style, the Series presents an easy-to-scan listing of typical topics and questions most often asked by HR professionals.
Human Resource Management (Saini) ( Debi S. Saini)

Human Resource Management: Perspectives for the New Era examines traditional personnel management deficiencies and the corrective and proactive interventions planned by proponents of human resource management.
I Have To Fire Someone! ( Richard S. Deems, PhD)

Dorothy was worried, she had to fire a staff member. She knew it would bring major change to that person's life and she wondered what type of reaction she'd get. Somehow, relying on her intuition or trying to read the other person just didn't seem workable this time. The firing process was almost as hard on her! I Have To Fire Someone! shares effective, adaptable strategies for making termination easier on the employee, managers and supervisors, and the organization. You'll gain insight on how to terminate due to poor performance or downsizing. You'll also learn how to respond to employee questions and reactions.
Impending Crisis ( Roger E. Herman, CSP, CMC)

Looming crisis ahead! There?s a dangerously growing shortage of skilled workers to fill jobs. Projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecast a shortage of skilled 10,033,000 workers by 2010. And this shortage is simply raw numbers; it doesn?t fully address the growing skills gap. The numbers also don?t take into account the changing attitudes in the workforce.
This crisis is just around the corner. Trends are converging to create an unprecedented dilemma for employers throughout the free world. Because so few corporate leaders are fully aware of their predicament, executives who do prepare for the new operating environment will lead their organizations to a bright future; those who ignore the threat risk dangerous vulnerability. Employers have been lulled into complacency by the demands of economic, stock market, and competitive issues. Even with all these problems, there?s a bigger challenge on the way: Cyclical economic growth will create more jobs, providing abundant opportunities for workers who will make their own choices. Will they choose you?
Many healthy employers today risk extinction. If they don?t begin serious repositioning right away. the risk is great. Unfortunately, few, if any, employers have addressed the issues.
This book is a wake-up call. Filled with evidence and advice, for corporate leaders in for-profit, not-for-profit, governmental, and education organizations, this book cites chapter and verse about how to evaluate your vulnerability and take action.
No one is immune. The concepts presented in these pages are vital for board members, Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Human Resource Officers, and others responsible for present and future sustainable success. Chances are, they have not evaluated their vulnerability or made viable plans to manage the impact of this crisis on their organizations.
Indispensable Employees ( Martha Fields)

Indispensable Employees: How to Hire Them, How to Keep Them was written to help all those organizations who know they need to adapt to the new economy, but don't quite know how. It was written to help organizations start thinking again about how they can hold on to their best workers, despite what their competitors are offering. It was written to help organizations surmount the challenges of this new full-employment economy and hire and retain the most competent, motivated, and diverse workforce possible.
Interview Styles and Strategies ( Aggie White)

Interview Styles and Strategies focuses on the most important component to the job search process-- the interview. Providing practical tips and advice on both the traditional and non-traditional methods, this book will offer insight into preparation, the tough questions and how to best respond to them, the follow up and negotiating to win.
Complete with the do's and don'ts to interviewing, strategizing to get what you want and checklists to keep you focused, this handy reference can play a key role in getting you started to career success.
Interviewing Techniques for Managers ( Carolyn B. Thompson)

For managers, interviewing is about gathering useful information in every face-to-face encounter, from project planning meetings to client discussions to speaking with prospective employees. Interviewing Techniques for Managers shows you how to master every aspect of the interview process to ensure that you always get honest, helpful, and results-oriented answers.
Interviewing: More Than A Gut Feeling ( Richard S. Deems, PhD)

Alex pondered his choices. At least three of the candidates seemed equally qualified for the job! Should he go with who seemed the sharpest? That didn't work last time for Alex. He wished he had asked each of the candidates more about their past performance, that was the key! The only way he'd know now was to interview them again.
Now you can take the guesswork out of hiring by relying on fair, logical ways to identify the best candidates for the job. This best-selling book will help you learn how to use the behavioral approach to interviewing. By asking questions that probe for past behavior, you will be able to identify the candidate best suited for the job. You'll also discover tips on how to save an uncomfortable interviewing situation.
Job Description Handbook ( Margie Mader-Clark)

Every job has a description -- and if you craft it carefully, you can use a job description for hiring, new employee orientation, evaluating performance and more. But if it's poorly written (or not written at all), your company can face all sorts of problems, from low employee morale to legal troubles.
The Job Description Handbook is an all-in-one resource you can use to create HR documents that provide the details of every job's duties, requirements, qualifications -- and much more.