Motivating and Rewarding Employees (Bob Nelson)

Best-selling author and management specialist Bob Nelson brings you his best-selling book, 1001 Ways to Reward Employees, in a dynamic video and audiocassette program you can't afford to ignore. Focusing on the same principles in his innovative book, Nelson tells you why praise and recognition are far more powerful motivators than money. Discover how to motivate your employees using cost-efficient, enthusiastic ideas, including special awards and events focused on providing productive employees with special recognition.
On Staffing (Libby Sartain, Nicholas C. Burkholder, Preston J. Edwards)

"On Staffing will become the bible for staffing professionals. The essays cover from the beginning (finding) to the end (retaining) of staffing procedures. The timely, realistic, practical, and enduring essays will define the standard for the staffing process. This book will serve as a resource guide for staffing professionals who seek best practices and line managers who realize that staffing is the key to their success. The editors have done a masterful job selecting thoughtful writers who have both good ideas and experience implementing the ideas. They have also ensured that each essay offers practical advice." ----Dave Ulrich Professor of Business, University of Michigan
Economic and demographic realities - from corporate cost cutting to the aging of the workforce - present serious challenges to today's human resources professionals. On Staffing addresses those challenges by compiling concise, intelligent essays from today's HR thought leaders. Insightful, thought provoking, and full of innovative ideas, this practical compendium offers the knowledge and expertise HR specialists need to lead their companies to the forefront of hiring practice.
As HR leaders know, successful staffing is about much more than just hiring qualified people. It's about hiring the right qualified people - and keeping them. To help you do that, On Staffing covers the new and innovative business initiatives managers from leading companies are using to assess the potential of people and place them in positions in which they can maximize that potential. It analyzes the practices that work, offers strategies for dealing with rapidly changing business and hiring environments, and helps HR leaders prepare for the changes and challenges to come
Online Recruiting ( George Zambos)

As the internet continues to expand in scope, more and more human resource professionals are harnessing its amazing power to access the newest, most innovative methods for recruiting top-notch employees.
Online Recruiting, written for both experienced and novice human resource professionals, is an indispensable resource that reveals step by step how to find and attract exceptional new employees. This accessible, jargon-free guide is filled with the most up-to-date online job recruiting information and clearly explains creative high-tech recruiting methods. Filled with "fast facts," proven strategies, and practical suggestions, this book introduces readers to such critical action steps as locating the top recruiting web sites, discovering the best places to post job openings and find top talent--whether they're actually looking or not--and tapping into low-cost and no-cost job posting sites, free resume banks, and niche sites.
Policies Now (N/A)

Employee handbooks are crucial to the success of any business. And Policies Now is the simplest way to create personnel policies customized to your organization. With Policies Now you can create an entire employee handbook in a fraction of the time you would normally spend.
Employee lawsuits are on the rise. And should an employee dispute erupt into litigation, your personnel policies will be among the first documents to be subpoenaed. With Policies Now, you'll have a legally appropriate employee handbook that's specific to your business -- not just a collection of "canned policies" with your company name on them.
Policies Now takes the time consuming task of writing legally-appropriate employee handbooks and cuts it down to size. Not a "one-size-fits-all" template, Policies Now actually writes policies customized to reflect the needs of your unique organization.
Choose from a complete list of up-to-the-minute policy topics critical to your business and let Policies Now provide expert advice and then ask you questions. With Policies Now you can rest assured that you're not missing anything.
Choose a handbook style from Policies Now's exclusive Handbook Designer. With the click of the mouse you'll get a professional looking handbook ready to print and reproduce. Policies Now even creates a table of contents and an index!
Need more information? Imagine writing a pregnancy leave policy, touching a button and being whisked to the Internet to view the actual Family and Medical Leave Act! With Policies Now, you'll get hot links to World Wide Web sites with vital legal information. These links are updated or enhanced on a regular basis.
Publish your handbook any way you want. Once you've finished all your policies, you can print and reproduce your handbook on paper, publish it on your local area network or export your handbook in HTML format for instant publishing on your company intranet.
Recruit & Retain The Best ( John McCarter, Ray Schreyer)

The signs on the road to the new economy point to an all-out war for talent. Organizations increasingly encounter difficulties in recruiting and retaining top talent because they have yet to deal with today's most critical human resource issues. To remain competitive, you must create a talent powered company consisting of highly motivated, skilled, and loyal employees. That's the central message in Recruit and Retain the Best.
Two of America's leading recruitment specialists cut through the clutter and confusion as they identify the key human resource strategies for creating a talent powered company. Focusing on five competencies for predicting success, they dispel numerous myths and specify what HR professionals and hiring managers need to do in order to energize their human resources and productivity. They provide a critical examination of the latest in effective recruitment methods, from the use of Internet recruiting to developing employee referral programs.
Recruit Smarter Not Harder ( Mel Kleiman)

Managers today are facing one of the most challenging hiring markets in decades. With unemployment at historic lows, finding quality employees is more difficult than ever. Because the best you can hire is no better than the best of those who apply, you must recruit the best. In order to get top-quality employees, you must go after them just as persistently, proactively, and creatively as you do new customers.
This book presents a detailed framework for addressing the specific challenges of recruiting hourly employees.
Recruiting & Retaining Multicultural Employees ( Carlos A. Canejo)

50% of America's workforce is now of another ethnicity or culture. Recruiting & Retaining Multicultural Employees helps you understand the fine nuances to hiring & retaining multicultural employees. Nuances include different needs and values as well as how to make your company attractive to quality and talented multicultural employees.
As an added BONUS, the Employers Handbook published by the U.S. Department of Justice is included as an appendix to better assist employers in verifying proper documentation.
High Performers ( Alan J. Dubinsky, Steven J. Skinner)

Dubinsky and Skinner have uncovered 13 drivers of discretionary effort, or why employees go above and beyond what is expected of them in the job. If you are aware of these drivers, and if you use their prescription to recruit, manage and retain employees with these attributes, you can realize a company of High Performers.
Recruiting Manual for Managers and Supervisors ( Erich Schuttauf, J.D.)

Recruiting Manual for Managers and Supervisors provides practical guidance on interviewing and hiring employees while avoiding legal pitfalls.
Reference Checking for Everyone ( Paul Barada)

Written in plain, jargon-free English by's reference expert, Reference Checking for Everyone tells managers, business owners, HR professionals, landlords, administrators, and even parents how to find everything they need to know about anyone. This book covers every aspect of personal intel-gathering with a wealth of easy-to-access information on: choosing the best employees, service providers, and other key people; navigating the complex legal issues--includes a waiver form and lists of questions that can and cannot be asked legally; getting information quickly to avoid slowing down the hiring process; exposing liars and dealing with dishonest candidates, renters, and others; obtaining in-depth history, even when confronted with "no comment" policies.
Retaining Top Employees ( J. Leslie McKeon)

Retaining Top Employees focuses on specific actions to make retention a top priority. From innovative recruitment and compensation policies to making effective use of exit interviews, it outlines a complete program for becoming the employer of choice??and is today's most in-depth exploration of this increasingly essential topic.
Safe Hiring Manual ( Les Rosen)

The Safe Hiring Manual goes far beyond the typical hiring handbook. It is a comprehensive blueprint for developing a safe hiring program for employers, human resources, security professionals, private investigators, labor lawyers -- anyone concerned about hiring safe and qualified workers. The Manual details how to exercise due diligence throughout the hiring process, significantly increasing an employer?s chance of avoiding the financial and legal nightmares of even one bad hiring decision.
Safe Hiring ( Les Rosen)

These are tough times for employers. You can be held responsible if you knew-or should have known-that someone you hired might pose an undue threat of harm to others. Yet, during the hiring process, you are required to navigate through a number of legal guidelines that are in place to protect the privacy of your applicants.
In this video, you'll follow the fictional story of a company that makes a bad hire, and discover the steps they decide to put in place to ensure it doesn't happen again. Our narrator is Les Rosen, an attorney and Certified Specialist in Criminal Law who is a frequent speaker at major national conferences. As the story unfolds, Les explains the details of an effective safe hiring process, and sheds light on the legal background that you need to know.
Selection Interviewing ( David Walker)

With Selection Interviewing, you'll learn how to:
* Be an effective and relaxed interviewer
* Create an appropriate person specification and effectively screen resumes and applications
* Plan, communicate, and build rapport--vital steps to successful selection
* Structure an interview and avoid the pitfalls
* Improve your self-assurance as you make sure you select the right person for the job.
SHRM Cover Letters and Resumes Survey ( SHRM Survey Program)

This survey explores employers' use of cover letters and resumes and examines how important they are in the hiring process.
SHRM Members may download a free copy at
Smart Hiring ( Robert Wendover)

In this competitive business environment, employees selection mistakes can cost you money, customers, your reputation -- maybe even a lawsuit. Smart Hiring covers everything you need to know to hire the right candidates in a legal and practical fashion every time.
Spanish for Human Resource Managers (Book + Cassettes) ( William C. Harvey)

The recently published book--only version of Spanish for Human Resources Managers is now available with an optional pair of audiocassettes to make learning easier. Both book and tapes will help personnel administrators deal with Spanish-speaking employees and prospective employees who have little or no English. This highly informal and practical program will teach enough Spanish to allow learners to interview and hire job applicants, conduct job training programs, give on-the-job directions, deal with wage and insurance issues, and much more.
Strategic Staffing ( Thomas P. Bechet)

Many organizations understand the benefits of a longer-term approach to staffing: reduced turnover and hiring costs, improved efficiency and morale, and ultimately greater profits.
Unfortunately, traditional approaches to strategic staffing are often more effective on paper than in the workplace.
This essential book-and-CD-ROM package shows how to identify staffing needs and opportunities through qualitative and quantitative measures, and presents several effective, nontraditional approaches to strategic staffing. Featuring full case studies and dozens of examples, the book is both enlightening and practical.
Successful Talent Strategies (David Sears)

Like product and service markets, employment markets go up and down, but they never stand still. For any staffing strategy to be effective, it must be responsive to changes both within and outside the organization. Consequently, such initiatives must be designed with the same forethought, care, and commitment that go into other business strategies.
Talent Management Handbook ( Dorothy R. Berger, Lance A. Berger, J. Stewart Black, Ph. D.)

The Talent Management Handbook will help you design career plans that boost employee morale, as well as create and sustain excellence in your organization. It is full of simple, efficient, easy-to-follow methods for assessing, planning, and developing high-value people to meet your organization's current and future needs. And it will help you combine your organization's diverse human resources activities into a single, cogent system.
Featuring best practices from leading companies as well as contributions from field experts who hold top positions in such leading HR consultancies as AON Consulting, The Hay Group, Hewitt Associates, Right Management Consulting. Sibson Consulting, and Towers Perrin, The Talent Management Handbook is an authoritative resource for creating and maintaining excellence in your organization through people management.